Is this a convenient fling or an unexpected second chance at love?
Second chances make for great television, but can Selena convince Warner he deserves another shot at love?
Take It All is a steamy, stand-alone, full-length novel in the Sawyer’s Cove: The Reboot series, where Hollywood meets small-town New England.
Sawyer’s Cove: The Reboot
Enjoy an excerpt from Take it All
She swore she hadn’t timed it, but somehow Warner was hauling himself out of the pool when she passed by on her way to her car.
“Morning,” she called.
The sun glinted off the water streaming from his lean, six-foot frame. He had a serious farmer’s tan, arms bronzed up to his biceps, pale and dotted with the occasional mole everywhere else, light colored chest hair between flat pecs. His sandy blond hair was graying a little at the temples, but it looked good on him.
He was probably around forty, but his face was far more weathered than Selena’s own. She was thirty-seven but was routinely mistaken for someone ten years younger. Not that she was complaining. It had bothered her to look young in her twenties; now that she was nearing forty, she thanked her good genes and round face and body for keeping her youthful in an industry that prized elastic skin.
“Morning,” he returned, squinting against the sun.
“Nice morning for a swim.” Just because she had never successfully engaged him in conversation didn’t mean she was going to stop trying.
“Going to be hotter later,” he said.
She already felt the heat of the day seeping into the stone patio beneath her sandaled feet. Thank God the pool house had central air—so far late August in Connecticut had proven to be hot and humid. When was fall was supposed to start around here? “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He leaned over to grab his towel, and his wet shorts tightened snugly over his well-shaped ass. He wasn’t beefy or unnaturally muscular, he was just a guy with no extra body fat who seemed to be that way through genes and physical labor. He must have to work hard to stay warm in the winter.
“Well, I better get to work. See you…around,” Selena said after a beat when he didn’t say anything back.
“Goodbye,” he said, nodding at her. Dismissing her.
She turned her back on him to walk to her car, but couldn’t suppress her smile. She had gotten him to say three sentences to her. Granted, two of them had been one-word sentences, but she still felt like progress had been made. By the time she left Misty Harbor to return to Los Angeles, they might have advanced to saying two sentences in a row to each other.
A woman had to have goals.