I’m super excited to share the news: I’ve signed a contract with Decadent Publishing for the second Weston University novella. This one is titled Sweet Imperfection, and it takes place at the same reunion/commencement weekend that Passionate History did. These are connected novellas in that they have the same setting, but we’re visiting a whole new set of characters. Emma Chen-Delvaux is a successful creative advertising executive at Weston for her ten year college reunion. There she meets Nate Hirsch, recently divorced woodworker who’s taking a hiatus from women. The two are old friends, but the attraction they never acted on in college is still there. I can’t wait to share this story with you — sign up for my newsletter so you’ll know the minute it’s released!
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Can't Help Falling in Love: A Sexy Romantic Comedy (Never a Bride Book 1)

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ratings: 18 (avg rating 4.50)