I few weeks ago I took an amazing seminar by April Khilstrom about writing a Book in a Week (BIAW). Yikes! Seems impossible, doesn’t it?
Well, I tried it this past week, and was pretty awed by the results. I wrote 24,000 words in a week (about 100 pages). It’s about a third of a book, a new one that I just started. So far it’s fairly different from my other books–it’s in first person and it’s shaping up to be a F/F love story (female/female rather than M/F–male/female).
To do BIAW, I had to cut out some things (like Facebook and Tumblr), but it was worth it. I wrote about four times faster than I normally do, and it felt great. Stay tuned for more about this work in progress.
In other news, I haven’t completely abandoned social media. On Tuesday, May 19th, I’ll be joining dozens of other authors for a massive Facebook party hosted by Desiree Holt. I’ll be giving away copies of Endless Devotion, so try to stop by!