The RWA national conference was a whirlwind few days, but I can honestly say I grew and learned more in those three days than in the whole year before it! It was a fabulous conference with so many wonderful opportunities to meet new people and reconnect with contacts and friends. I had a blast and can’t wait for next year. I’m not going to do a detailed rundown, but here are some photos of the highlights.
- Courtesy of Kristan Higgins.
- One of many efforts at inclusiveness.
- The line to see Nora Roberts.
- One of my favorites, Elizabeth Hoyt.
- With Rita-nominated Phyllis Bourne.
- At the keynote lunch.
- Our keynote speaker, Beverly Jenkins. The woman is a rock star.
- Always a treat when a friend signs a book for you.
- The live tweet video screen.
- The Annual General Meeting.
- The Marriott San Diego.
- A cake to celebrate the Love Between the Covers screening.
- A Q&A after the screening.
- Another favorite, Tessa Dare.
- Kristan Higgins having too much fun with gifs during her character workshop.
- Me trying not to be nervous before my pitches.
- Sarah MacLean at the Avon anniversary trivia party.
- My Avon swag for coming in second!
- This pride sculpture went up down the block during the conference. So appropriate!
- Sherry Thomas gained about 2000 new readers and fans after her hilarious keynote speech.
- Fun with Elizabeth Hoyt, Alyssa Day, and Kristan Higgins at their emotion workshop.
- Comic-Con wasn’t for another few days, but some RWA attendees were ready!
- Me with friend and critique partner Diane Benefiel.
- Friends at the Ritas.
- The Ritas were fun and glamorous as usual!