And that’s a wrap!

And that’s a wrap!

The final book in the Sawyer’s Cove: The Reboot series is live! Take Me Over is the story of Ariel, the last Sawyer’s Cove actor without her happily ever after (yet), and Ryan, the original creator of Sawyer’s Cove. We haven’t seen much of Ryan...
Take a Chance: The book people told me not to write

Take a Chance: The book people told me not to write

Take a Chance is now live! When I first got the idea to do a contemporary romance series based on the reboot of a teen soap a la Dawson’s Creek, I knew that I’d want to include gay characters both in my fictional television show and in my cast of romantic leads. Jack...
Steamy Shorts featuring Hot Take is here!

Steamy Shorts featuring Hot Take is here!

Steamy Shorts: A Kissed by Romance Anthology is suddenly, wonderfully live. One of my dear writer friends, Arell Rivers, recently asked if I happened to have a story to release and I had just finished polishing a new short story in the Sawyer’s Cove: The Reboot...
Can’t Hurry Love is Here!

Can’t Hurry Love is Here!

It’s release day for Can’t Hurry Love, aka Lani and Reed’s story, aka Book Four in the Never a Bride series. I can’t believe this series is wrapped already! Lani has a big secret in this book, and so do I–I think it might be my favorite...